How to Reinvigorate Your Staff With an Office Redesign

How to Reinvigorate Your Staff With an Office Redesign

How to Reinvigorate Your Staff With an Office Redesign

13 October 2018
, Blog

If you're in charge of the administrative function at your organisation, you may have quite a large number of people working beneath you, and collectively, you occupy one complete floor at your place of work. You may have been there for some time and think that you have a well-oiled machine in place to help support your growing organisation to achieve its goals. Yet you are worried because you seem to have quite a high turnover amongst your office staff and can't put your finger on it. It costs a lot to replace any employees, and it's also starting to affect morale, so you certainly need to do something and quickly; but what?

Look Around You

If you look more closely, you may notice that many of your existing staff members are disillusioned or disengaged, and even though they may not all be heading for the door, there is clearly something wrong. You need to reinvigorate your workforce and cut down on your replacement costs, so you need to encourage them to feel more connected and should look very closely at the environment itself.

Redesign Called For

It may have been some time since you re-designed this office, and this is at the root of the problem. It's not functional any more and doesn't take into account modern-day working practices, so you need to roll your sleeves up and address this issue head-on.

Ask First

Begin by asking your employees to give you their feedback and you can do this anonymously should you wish. You can create a survey using a variety of different online software products, and you'll be surprised how creative they may be in helping you to come up with a solution.

The Healthier Approach

Traditional offices are open plan with workstations dotted around the room, filled with desks and chairs. This is certainly the old way to approach the problem, but it's no longer the most efficient. You may need to install workstations that will allow your people to stand or recline as they do their work, and this will help them to be less static and healthier in the long run.


You may need to ask each employee what type of workstation they would prefer. Some of them may like the idea of individual cubicles as they are quieter and help them to concentrate more, while others get more inspired when they are collaborating and engaged.

Get to Work

Once you have all this information, you need to get in touch with specialists to help you maximise the space you've got, while taking into account all of these improvements. It's certainly possible and in your case very necessary, to bring your administrative function back up to speed.

For more information on options for office fitouts, contact your local interior design service. 

About Me
Dream Homes, Dream Experiences

Designing the interior of your dream home is no easy task--especially if you're not sure yet what your personal 'style' really is. I've fully renovated four homes now, though--the four places I've owned and live in during my adult life--and learned something from every one of them. In this blog, I'm hoping to answer the questions you're really asking; everything from "how do I pick a woodwork gloss colour to match my walls" from "what can I do about serious damp while I'm decorating", and much more! If you're about to renovate your home's interior design, this blog will be your one stop shop for help and advice.
