Treatments for Windows With Too Much Sunlight That Will Reflect Your Shop's Decor

Treatments for Windows With Too Much Sunlight That Will Reflect Your Shop's Decor

Treatments for Windows With Too Much Sunlight That Will Reflect Your Shop's Decor

25 October 2018
, Blog

If you have a north-facing shop window, then anything you place on display in it will be subject to a great deal of sunlight. This can mean, of course, that everything in your display is naturally well lit. However, it can also mean that items in the shop window fade due to the number of ultraviolet rays they are exposed to. In addition, the rest of the shop can become too hot if you have a large expanse of glazing at the front which faces north. In order to overcome these issues, shop owners should consider taking countermeasures which will make their shopfront more attractive as well as deflecting some of the Australian sun's stronger rays.

Over-Window Awnings

A traditional option available to shop owners is an exterior awning. Awnings are very useful if you want to make your window display easier to see from the outside. This is because they don't allow so much light to hit the glass and, therefore, dazzle passers-by. Awnings can also be made from a number of different fabric types, and you can choose a colour that matches your livery as well as the rest of your shop's interior colour scheme.

Roller Blinds

Indoor roller blinds are an incredibly useful option for preventing excessive sunlight into your shop. This is because they are so easily adjustable. If you want to cut out just some light at the top of the window display, then all you need to do is to lower your roller blinds a little. Of course, in the summer you might want to cut out all of the sun completely. If so, then all that is required is to lower your blinds fully. This is also a good option for when you close your shop at night, too, because blinds keep prying eyes away from your stock whilst reinforcing your brand and the rest of the design.

Smart Glazing

An increasingly popular option in offices, switchable glazing allows you to tint your windows at the flick of a switch. So-called smart glass is transparent for most of the time. However, you can make it opaque by turning it on with a small electric current. The downside is that this prevents people from seeing your window display. However, it is a very efficient way of blocking excessive sunlight and, thereby, reducing your air conditioning bills. This is the option for shop owners who are trendy and modern and who want their interior design to speak to a younger crowd.

About Me
Dream Homes, Dream Experiences

Designing the interior of your dream home is no easy task--especially if you're not sure yet what your personal 'style' really is. I've fully renovated four homes now, though--the four places I've owned and live in during my adult life--and learned something from every one of them. In this blog, I'm hoping to answer the questions you're really asking; everything from "how do I pick a woodwork gloss colour to match my walls" from "what can I do about serious damp while I'm decorating", and much more! If you're about to renovate your home's interior design, this blog will be your one stop shop for help and advice.
