3 Easy & Cost-Effective Ways to Give Your Home an On-Trend Update

3 Easy & Cost-Effective Ways to Give Your Home an On-Trend Update

3 Easy & Cost-Effective Ways to Give Your Home an On-Trend Update

1 November 2018
, Blog

When it comes to interior design, trends change as regularly as they do in the fashion industry. It's very common to want to keep up with trends and keep your home looking contemporary and stylish, yet many people don't because they imagine that a complete overhaul is needed. Fortunately, you don't need to give a room a complete makeover to incorporate the latest looks in your home.

Small touches are often all that's needed to add a fresh and modern feel to a room. Here are three minor and inexpensive changes you can make to a room that will make a huge difference to the overall look.

1. Change your blinds

Window dressings are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways that you can give a room an on-trend freshen up. Replacing old blinds with a fresh set of Roman blinds can transform your windows and give you the chance to introduce the current trends in colour, texture and pattern.

Organic textiles are an emerging trend, so blinds in natural tones and fabrics are a great choice. Muted pastels, such as dusty blue, soft green and blush pink, are also interior trends that are set to take off in the coming year. If you'd like to add some pattern and colour, blinds which embrace retro florals and 70s style paisleys are also a winning choice.

2. Matte black paint

Over the coming year, matte black is set to become the new grey when it comes to neutral and monochromatic design in the home. You can expect to see it everywhere from kitchens to bedrooms and on a wide array of surfaces. It's easy and cheap to add this coming trend to your decor with simply a tin of paint from the hardware store.

For a subtle addition of matte black to a room, you can paint smaller surfaces such as window frames, timber furniture or a small feature wall. For a more dramatic effect, timber floors or every wall in the room will have the space looking contemporary and dramatic.

3. Gold, gold, gold!

Metallics have been big for several years, but copper, brass and chrome have passed their use-by date. The next big thing in metallics is gold, and you can expect to see it used in every room and in every style of decor. The great thing about gold, and metallics in general, is that even though they're a bit daring, they still act as a neutral and will work with any room style.

You can add some contemporary gold flair to your home by switching out old light fittings with some new gold models. Thin strips of gold sheeting can also be added to furniture, window frames and flooring for a bit of pizzazz. You can also introduce gold by adding cushion covers and throw rugs that have gold threads woven through the fabric.

About Me
Dream Homes, Dream Experiences

Designing the interior of your dream home is no easy task--especially if you're not sure yet what your personal 'style' really is. I've fully renovated four homes now, though--the four places I've owned and live in during my adult life--and learned something from every one of them. In this blog, I'm hoping to answer the questions you're really asking; everything from "how do I pick a woodwork gloss colour to match my walls" from "what can I do about serious damp while I'm decorating", and much more! If you're about to renovate your home's interior design, this blog will be your one stop shop for help and advice.
